Every 4 years, the Association of German Architects (BDA) awards the architecture prize "Gute Bauten" (Good Buildings) to particularly outstanding buildings. In this year's preselection, 32 buildings have been nominated – one of them being the headquarters of Schwarzer Precision in Esssen.
"To cultivate a feeling for architecture" – that is the purpose and goal of that architecture prize. By awarding it, the BDA intends to draw attention specifically to "high-quality contemporary architecture". At the 2014 competition, the general public that is interested in architecture is first entitled to vote do decide about the award of three additional audience prizes. The intention is to specifically include the public in the discussion process on good building culture.
It is not only residential, office and factory buildings that have been nominated but also bridges, day nurseries, schools, a library, a stadium and a church. What is evaluated is not only the design but also the integration into the surroundings, the construction and the material, the environmental friendliness, the fulfilment of the building’s intended purpose, and distinctive structural features.
The nominated buildings will be presented at the "Forum für Kunst und Architektur" (Forum of Art and Architecture) at Kopstadtplatz square in Essen until 22 November. The prices will be awarded on 25 November at 7 p.m.