Children are our future. For 50 years, the German children charity “Deutsche Kinderschutzbund e.V.” promotes a child-friendly society: equal education and opportunities, social safety, care and non-violence. We gladly support this important commitment!
The "Deutscher Kinderschutzbund" ("German child protection association") is the point of contact for all problems and family crises involving children, adolescents and their parents. Over 500 children take advantage each year of the offering of the Essen Child Protection Centre. The therapeutically trained staff provide counsel and support with child raising issues, separation and domestic violence situations and with various educational projects.
Almost 10% of the young people from the structurally weak north of Essen leave school without diploma. The "lernHÄUSER" ("learning homes") of the friend's association "Förderverein Kinderschutzhaus" (child protection home) offer comprehensive advancement to these students while strengthening the social and subject competency. New opportunities are thus created for the future of children from socially disadvantaged families often without access to proper education.
The high commitment of the child protection organisation is hardly conceivable without financial support. We are therefore glad to contribute: we want to permanently support the important work of the learning homes from Essen with our donations. After all, good education is the basic foundation for the future of our children.